
Personal Project - Web Development/Design


After being a private tutor/teacher and based on personal experiences, I noticed that students would often lose motivation during long examination periods, feeling as though they were the only ones “suffering”. Now more than ever with students being required to study from home, it can be hard to stay motivated as you lack the feeling of connection from interactions at school.

Thus, I decided to create a community for students to record their study sessions (how long they studied for, what subjects they worked on and what they accomplished). This will help motivate students and allow them to keep each other accountable as they are able to see how much their friends are studying at the touch of a button.


The website was created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with the App designs created using Sketch. The iOS App was created using Swift, XCode and Firebase.
Parts of the website/designs of the app can be seen below:


Given that this project is a passion project, I am currently working on the App alongside my other committments and have just finished the Login, SignUp, News Feed and Record functionality of the App. I have been having a lot of fun learning how to utilise Swift, XCode and Firebase to create this app.

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